Senior Portraits


It is that bitter-sweet time of the year when you drive by vista points and rose gardens and see seniors all dressed up for prom being photographed before heading off to their last high school formal. I recently had the good fortune of spending the afternoon with this handsome and charming senior, Nathan. We were caught in a downpour and took shelter under our flimsy umbrellas while waiting for a break in the storm. The weather didn’t put a damper on Nathan’s good spirit as you can see in his vibrant and warm smile. His cool and confident demeanor will serve him well in the next chapter of his life.





Veronika is another amazing graduating senior that posses all of the qualities of a radiant young woman. She is a star athlete, high academic achiever, and has a kind and mature disposition. She is also absolutely gorgeous with her aqua marine eyes and perfect smile. I am sure Veronika will have a college experience filled with self-discovery, adventure, and inspiration; she deserve this and more.






Wedding | Andrew & Karen

“So here is my promise to you tonight, you can count on me for life.” In the beautiful spirit of Karen’s serenade to Andrew, and with the warmth of the family and friends that surrounded them on their wedding day, so I raise my glass to toast this radiant couple. May they live a splendid and long life together.”